Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

When will the General Assembly be held?
The General Assembly of the Company will be held in Company headquarters in Zagreb, Radnička cesta 21, on 8 May 2024 at 10:00 hours.
If the quorum is not met on 8 May 2024, the General Assembly will be held on the same day with commencement at 18:00 hours, at the same venue, with the same agenda and will be able to pass valid decision notwithstanding to the amount of the capital represented. Given powers of authority are valid for this General Assembly as well.

Where can I find information about the General Assembly?
The invitation to the General Assembly of Croatian Telecom Inc. was published on web pages of the Court Register and on web pages of HT, and it was submitted on the same day to the Zagreb Stock Exchange, to HANFA and HINA. It can also be obtained in the seat of the Company.

Who can participate in the General Assembly?
Each shareholder of HT has the right to participate in the General Assembly if they report their participation, either personally or through their representative or proxy, to HT in writing and at the latest six days prior to the holding of the General Assembly, taking into account that the day the application reaches the Company is not included into that deadline, i.e. latest by 1 May 2024.
A shareholder of HT entitled to participate in the General Assembly is any legal entity or private person who is registered as a shareholder of HT with the depository of the Central Depository and Clearing Company, Zagreb, on the last day for the application for participation in the General Assembly, i.e. on 1 May 2024.

How can I vote? Who can vote?
All shareholders may vote if they have applied for participation to HT in due time. Shareholders vote only at the General Assembly, either personally or through their proxies.

Is participation in the General Assembly obligatory? Is participation in the General Assembly a precondition for receiving the dividend?
Participation in the General Assembly is neither obligatory nor a precondition for entitlement to the dividend.

Will HT pay out a dividend and when?
If the General Assembly accepts proposals of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of HT, a dividend amounting to EUR 1.53 per share will be paid on 20 May 2024.

Who is entitled to the dividend? What is the last day to purchase the shares in order to be entitled to the dividend? What is the first day when I can sell my shares and still be entitled to the dividend?
In compliance with the proposal, the dividend will be paid to shareholders that are registered at the Central Depository and Clearing Company (SKDD) on 20 May 2024.
In order to be entitled to the dividend, the last day for the purchase of the shares is 9 May 2024. The first day on which the shareholders may sell their shares and still be entitled to the proposed dividend is 10 May 2024.

I have HT shares. What do I have to do to receive the dividend?
The dividend is paid through the Central Depository and Clearing Company on the account submitted to the Central Depository and Clearing Company by the shareholder. Potential account changes need to be reported directly to the Central Depository and Clearing Company by the shareholder.
If you need any additional details, please consult the Central Depository and Clearing Company or your broker house.

Who do I need to contact if I have problems with the dividend payment?
The dividend is paid to shareholders through the Central Depository and Clearing Company,
Heinzelova 62a,
p.p. 409, 10002 ZAGREB,
phone: +385 1 4607 300,
facsimile: 385 (1) 4677 696,

What do I need to do if I have changed the number of the account into which I wish to receive the dividend payment?
If you are a private person, you may do it using free of charge online service My e-account or call +385 1 4607 300. Also, you may deliver by mail a request personally signed by you and attach thereto a copy of the valid identification document or you may come to the Central Depository and Clearing Company’s office. For more details please contact SKDD.

Is the dividend taxable?
The taxation of dividends and share in profit based on share in capital, payable to individuals (resident and non-resident) has been introduced at a rate of 12%. Where the Republic of Croatia has signed an international double tax treaty and under international agreements, foreign individuals (non-resident) can be subject to a lower rate of tax or exercise the right to a tax refund.
For more details please contact Tax Administration, Ministry of Finance or your tax advisor.

How can I receive a confirmation of paid dividend tax?
HT shall deliver to shareholders, legal entities, based on their request, a certificate as prescribed by law, on calculated, withheld and paid dividend tax amount, which can be used for purposes of annual tax return. It is necessary to send the following data to the email company name, address and OIB.

Shareholders, natural persons, can request the issuance of this confirmation from the Central Depository and Clearing Company:
Heinzelova 62a,
p.p. 409, 10002 ZAGREB,
phone: +385 1 4607 300,
facsimile: 385 (1) 4677 696,

Kolačići i slične tehnologije

Na našem web-mjestu upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije za spremanje, čitanje i obradu informacija na vašem uređaju. Na taj način poboljšavamo vaš doživljaj upotrebe, analiziramo promet web-mjesta i prikazujemo sadržaj i oglase koji vas zanimaju. U tu se svrhu stvaraju korisnički profili na web-mjestima i uređajima. Navedene tehnologije također upotrebljavaju naši partneri.

Odabirom mogućnosti „Samo nužno” prihvaćate samo one kolačiće koji omogućuju pravilno funkcioniranje našeg web-mjesta. Odabirom mogućnosti "Prihvati sve" dopuštate pristupanje informacijama na svom uređaju i omogućujete Hrvatskom Telekomu i njegovim partnerima da upotrebljavaju sve kolačiće u analitičke i marketinške svrhe. Vaši podaci tada mogu biti preneseni u zemlje izvan Europske unije u kojima ne možemo osigurati istu razinu zaštite podataka kao u Europskoj uniji (pogledajte članak 49. stavak 1. točku (a) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka). Pod "Postavke" možete odabrati sve mogućnosti i u bilo kojem trenutku promijeniti stanje svoje privole.

Više informacija možete pronaći u Pravilima o zaštiti privatnosti i na Popisu partnera.