Hrvatski Telekom d.d.



Guiding Principles

  • Delight our customers
  • Get things done
  • Act with respect & integrity
  • Team together team apart
  • I am T — count on me
  • Stay curios & Grow

The system of values that we want to promote in HT is defined by the Guiding Principles of the Company. The Principles provide guidelines that we need to follow in our daily work, that promote ethical behavior, mutual respect, team work, accomplishment of the best results possible in a more simple manner, open expression of opinions, assumption of responsibility and creation of an environment that encourages, recognizes and appreciates exceptional results.

By promoting the common standards of behavior equally towards our customers and our coworkers, we create a working atmosphere that is a pleasure to work in and contribute to the overall business success of the Company. We are all responsible for the promotion of the values and the values are alive to the extent we, Company employees, are living them. We accept the Principles, not as a set of rules that we must obey, but as values that motivate, inspire and fill us with a positive energy. They drive us to achieve the top results, each person in his/her work, in our teams and all together – as a company.

Code of Conduct

By introducing the Code of Conduct, HT sets clear standards for its business conduct, which, along with good economic results, is based on high ethical principles.

The Code of Conduct in HT was adopted by the Board on May 9, 2006, accepting the initiative to implement the Code in all members of the Deutsche Telekom Group. Due to changes in the business environment, the Code is regularly revised to reflect the current situation.

The Code contains general formulations that have long-term validity, and at the same time it is a "living document" that combines values and policies of the Group with maximum transparency. The Code of Conduct is a guideline on how to behave in a legally acceptable manner, with a high level of integrity in daily work.

Code of Conduct is aimed at ensuring simple and transparent framework for professional behaviour and clear guidelines for conduct in all possible business-life situations, for all workers, managing persons and related parties.

Inform us about the irregularities

Each employee, business partner, shareholder or beneficiary, may report a violation of the Code of Conduct and other business irregularities, such as fraud or irregularities in business. HT guarantees full confidentiality of the proceedings.

If you have information about illegal or unethical conduct of a HT employee or a partner, file a complaint through our channel. Alerts are strictly confidential.

Mail Hrvatski Telekom
Etička linija
Radnička cesta 21
10000 Zagreb
Phone 0800 9823 (work day from 9 to 15 h)
Fax +385 7 5802 472

To report irregularities based on Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers, please contact the email address:
Trustworthy person: Darko Šutić, +385 99 3366 013

In addition to local channels, you can also report irregularities through the DT Group's TellMe portal, in the following ways:

  • mail:
  • anonymous whistleblower system (BKMS): Anonymous online form
  • phone: +8000 3824 835
  • by Post: Deutsche Telekom AG, Whistleblower Portal TellMe , Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, D-53113 Bonn

The purpose of these channels is reporting violations of legal provisions, as well as internal company regulations, including violations of human rights or risks to the environment, as well as violations of rights within our global supply chain.

You can also find DT's channels for reporting irregularities on Deutsche Telekom Whistleblower portal.

Download Code of Conduct

SAD! — Anonymous alert system

You can use SAD! to report report any kind of irregularities and violations of the legislation. The system protects your anonymity and functions as a virtual mailbox, allowing anonymous dialogue between you and the people who handle the report (employees of the Croatian Telecom). more

BKMS — Business Keeper Monitoring System

Business Keeper Monitoring System is almost identical to the SAD! system, with a difference that submitted notifications are handled by Deutsche Telekom Group employees in Bonn. more

Compliance for HT Group partners/suppliers
HT Group, as part of DT Group, emphasizes the importance of compliance with laws and internal regulations in its daily work. Legal and ethical behavior is essential for building the trust of customers and business partners. HT Group expects suppliers in global supply chains to respect human rights, working conditions, health, safety and environmental standards. Suppliers are expected to accept the HT Group Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure responsible business. By participating in our trainings, you can better understand compliance and corruption prevention and apply the acquired knowledge in your daily work.

HT Group Supplier Code od Conduct

Code of Human Right of HT
Code of Human Right of HT, as well as of Deutsche Telekom Group, directs towards responsible behavior, emphasizing the importance of human rights and environmental protection. It is applied globally, reflecting legal and regulatory changes and the demands of investors and customers. The Code obliges the company and its employees to respect and promote human rights and care for the environment, as well as to consistently direct corporate processes towards sustainability. It complies with new legal requirements, such as the German "Supply Chain Act - LkSG" and the upcoming European directive on human rights and environmental due diligence. The Code is available to the public and is the basis for all business activities, applying equally to employees, suppliers and business partners. It includes principles that are detailed in internal policies, procedural instructions and processes, thus forming the framework of the Group's activities in promoting human rights and protecting the environment.

Code of Human Right of HT

Digital ethics
As one of the leading European companies in the field of information and communication technology, the HT Group has decided to respect digital ethics while developing artificial intelligence (AI). This means we abide by a number of rules about how we interact with digital technologies. HT Group believes in the huge potential of AI and we are convinced that this potential can be achieved only if AI is developed and implemented in accordance with laws, values and ethical guidelines. We invite you to take a moment and complete our eLearning education about digital ethics because this is an opportunity to learn more about digital ethics and get acquainted with our digital ethics guidelines on AI as well as the way in which the HT Group wants to contribute to digital responsibility and participate in the further development of AI.

Introducing new risk in compliance risk assessment... more
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Kolačići i slične tehnologije

Na našem web-mjestu upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije za spremanje, čitanje i obradu informacija na vašem uređaju. Na taj način poboljšavamo vaš doživljaj upotrebe, analiziramo promet web-mjesta i prikazujemo sadržaj i oglase koji vas zanimaju. U tu se svrhu stvaraju korisnički profili na web-mjestima i uređajima. Navedene tehnologije također upotrebljavaju naši partneri.

Odabirom mogućnosti „Samo nužno” prihvaćate samo one kolačiće koji omogućuju pravilno funkcioniranje našeg web-mjesta. Odabirom mogućnosti "Prihvati sve" dopuštate pristupanje informacijama na svom uređaju i omogućujete Hrvatskom Telekomu i njegovim partnerima da upotrebljavaju sve kolačiće u analitičke i marketinške svrhe. Vaši podaci tada mogu biti preneseni u zemlje izvan Europske unije u kojima ne možemo osigurati istu razinu zaštite podataka kao u Europskoj uniji (pogledajte članak 49. stavak 1. točku (a) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka). Pod "Postavke" možete odabrati sve mogućnosti i u bilo kojem trenutku promijeniti stanje svoje privole.

Više informacija možete pronaći u Pravilima o zaštiti privatnosti i na Popisu partnera.