Hrvatski Telekom d.d.

Boris Drilo

Member of the Management Board and Chief Technical and Information Officer (CTIO)

Boris Drilo has held the position of Member of the Management Board and Chief Technical and Information Officer since 2017. He is responsible for development, implementation, and operation of technological platforms of Croatian Telecom, including mobile and fixed networks and IT and business systems.

He previously held the position of HT’s Sector Director for managing architecture, strategy, and investments within technical functions of Hrvatski Telekom, and that of Member of the Management Board in charge of technology and IT with Iskon Internet d.d.

Boris joined Croatian Telecom in the 2012, from Ericsson Group, where he had spent 12 years at managerial functions related to the development and application of telecommunications networks and new technologies.

At the moment he also holds the role of the Executive Board Member with Croatian Employers’ Association.

He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computing at University of Zagreb, where he spent one year as Research Assistant in the area of wireless data communications. He is a Master of Science in the field of Electrical Engineering, and he also completed the Executive Leadership Programme at the Boston University, as well as the Executive MBA degree course at Cotrugli Business School in Zagreb.

Kolačići i slične tehnologije

Na našem web-mjestu upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije za spremanje, čitanje i obradu informacija na vašem uređaju. Na taj način poboljšavamo vaš doživljaj upotrebe, analiziramo promet web-mjesta i prikazujemo sadržaj i oglase koji vas zanimaju. U tu se svrhu stvaraju korisnički profili na web-mjestima i uređajima. Navedene tehnologije također upotrebljavaju naši partneri.

Odabirom mogućnosti „Samo nužno” prihvaćate samo one kolačiće koji omogućuju pravilno funkcioniranje našeg web-mjesta. Odabirom mogućnosti "Prihvati sve" dopuštate pristupanje informacijama na svom uređaju i omogućujete Hrvatskom Telekomu i njegovim partnerima da upotrebljavaju sve kolačiće u analitičke i marketinške svrhe. Vaši podaci tada mogu biti preneseni u zemlje izvan Europske unije u kojima ne možemo osigurati istu razinu zaštite podataka kao u Europskoj uniji (pogledajte članak 49. stavak 1. točku (a) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka). Pod "Postavke" možete odabrati sve mogućnosti i u bilo kojem trenutku promijeniti stanje svoje privole.

Više informacija možete pronaći u Pravilima o zaštiti privatnosti i na Popisu partnera.