Treasury Share Buyback Programme - Notification on acquisition of shares
Pursuant to Article 474 of the Capital Market Act, Hrvatski Telekom d.d. (“HT d.d.” or “the Company”) hereby notifies that the investment company Interkapital vrijednosni papiri d.o.o. made the following acquisitions of Company (treasury) shares in the name and on behalf of the Company at the regulated market of Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE), in line with the Treasury Share Buyback Programme.
- On 19 March 2021, 5,582 shares, identification code HT, were acquired at a weighted average price of HRK 188.3760 per share, representing 0.006911% of the Company’s issued share capital.
Following these acquisitions HT d.d. holds in total 701,597 treasury shares, representing 0.868676% of the Company’s issued share capital. Share capital amounts to HRK 10,244,977,390.25, and is divided into 80,766,229 shares without nominal value.
Above stated treasury share buyback was executed in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly as of 21 April 2016, on granting authority to the Management Board of HT d.d. to acquire Company’s (treasury) shares on behalf of the Company. In the process of acquiring and managing of Company’s shares the Management Board is empowered not to comply with the provisions of Article 211 and Article 308 paragraph 2 and 4 of the Companies Act. The Management Board of the Company is authorized to act in accordance with the Article 352 paragraph 3 item 3 of the Companies Act and withdraw the shares without nominal value without the share capital of the Company being decreased, in which case the remaining shares’ participation in the share capital is increased, and the Management Board is authorized to align the information on the number of shares in the Articles of Association of the Company.
In the year 2018, the Management Board withdrew 218,471 Company shares without nominal value, without the share capital of the Company being decreased; thereby the total number of shares has decreased from 81,888,535 shares to 81,670,064 shares without nominal value, which has been entered into the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb on 27 March 2018.
In the year 2019, the Management Board withdrew 450,517 Company shares without nominal value, without the share capital of the Company being decreased; thereby the total number of shares has decreased from 81,670,064 shares to 81,219,547 shares without nominal value, which has been entered into the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb on 17 July 2019.
In the year 2020, the Management Board withdrew further 453,318 Company shares without nominal value, without the share capital of the Company being decreased; thereby the total number of shares has decreased from 81,219,547 shares to 80,766,229 shares without nominal value, which has been entered into the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb on 7 August 2020.