General Assembly of Croatian Telecom Inc. – voting results
Following up the published decisions passed at the General Assembly of Croatian Telecom Inc. held on 8 May 2024, the Company, pursuant to Article 286, paragraph 6, of the Companies Act, hereby publishes the voting results on the decisions, as follows:
Ad 1. Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 60,292,981 votes
Voted AGAINST: 0 votes
Ad 3. Decision on the utilization of profit
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 60,292,981 votes
Voted AGAINST: 0 votes
Ad 4. Decision on approval of actions of the Members of the Management Board of the Company for the business year 2023
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,281,588
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.28 %
Voted FOR: 60,281,588 votes
Voted AGAINST: 0 votes
Has not voted: 11,393 votes
Ad 5. Decision on approval of actions of the Members of the Supervisory Board of the Company for the business year 2023
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,281,588
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.28 %
Voted FOR: 60,281,588 votes
Has not voted: 11,393 votes
Ad 6. Decision on amendments to Article 5, Article 8a, Article 32 and Article 39 of the Articles of Association of the Joint Stock Company Croatian Telecom
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,247,341
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.24 %
Voted FOR: 60,247,341 votes
Voted AGAINST: 45,640 votes
Ad 7. Decision on approval of the Report on remuneration to the Members of the Supervisory Board and to the Management Board Members in the business year 2023
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 56,082,441 votes
Voted AGAINST: 4,210,540 votes
Ad 8. Decision confirmation of the Decision on Remuneration for the Work of the Members of the Supervisory Board
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 60,292,928 votes
Voted AGAINST: 53 votes
Ad 9. Decision on election of Members of the Supervisory Board
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 60,228,914 votes
Voted AGAINST: 64,067 votes
Ad 10. Decision on appointment of the auditor of the Company
Number of shares on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 60,292,981
Percentage of the share capital representing shares
on grounds of which valid votes were cast: 77.3 %
Voted FOR: 60,247,860 votes
Voted AGAINST: 45,121 votes