Notification on change in percentage of voting rights - exceeding the threshold of 10 %
Croatian Telecom Inc. (Reuters: HT.ZA; Bloomberg: HTRA CZ; HT d.d.), Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, received on 17 December 2020 the notification from Raiffeisen društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.d., that it has exceeded the threshold of 10% of the voting rights in HT d.d., for the pension funds for the account of which it acts, and pursuant to Article 472, connected with Articles 482, 486 and 487 of the Capital Market Act (CMA), the following data is hereby published:
- Company name, seat and business address of the issuer of shares
Hrvatski Telekom d.d. seated in Zagreb, Radnička cesta 21
- Legal entity exceeding the threshold from Article 482., paragraph 1 of the CMA
Raiffeisen mirovinsko društvo za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondom d.d., seated in Zagreb, Petrinjska 59, for the account of following pension funds:
Raiffeisen obvezni mirovinski fond kategorija A (50,202 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)
Raiffeisen obvezni mirovinski fond kategorija B (7,697,334 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)
Raiffeisen dobrovoljni mirovinski fond (319,647 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)
Zatvoreni dobrovoljni mirovinski fond Ericsson Nikola Tesla (5,993 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)Zatvoreni dobrovoljni mirovinski fond Hrvatskog liječničkog sindikata (6,275 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)
Zatvoreni dobrovoljni mirovinski fond T-HT (8,411 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005) and
Raiffeisen zatvoreni dobrovoljni mirovinski fond (6,098 HT shares, ISIN: HRHT00RA0005).
- Data on the reason for exceeding the proscribed threshold
Exceeding the threshold of 10% of voting rights in the issuer by acquisition of regular shares with voting rights ISIN: HRHT00RA0005 for the account of Raiffeisen obvezni mirovinski fond kategorija B managed by Raiffeisen društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.d.
Data on the document as basis for exceeding the proscribed threshold
Trading on regulated market – acquisition of shares on the Zagreb Stock Exchange on 15.12.2020.
- Number of acquired voting rights (in absolute and relative amount) by which the proscribed threshold was exceeded
Number of acquired voting rights in absolute amount: 83,354
Number of acquired voting rights in relative amount: 0.0215%
- Total number of voting rights (in absolute and relative amount) reached, exceeded or fallen under; for each issued share quotation bearing voting rights
Total number of voting rights in absolute amount for issued shares bearing voting rights ISIN HRHT00RA0005: 8,093,960
Total number of voting rights in relative amount for issued shares bearing voting rights ISIN HRHT00RA0005: 10.0215%
- Date of exceeding the threshold