Make paying bills easier, don't heap up paper invoices in drawers, do something good for your environment too: e- Invoice let's you do it all!
It is generally known that paper is a precious and valuable raw material, but what do we do to use it rationally and to reduce its use? For example, one million invoices are being printed in Croatia every month; one 15 to 20 year old tree will give us cellulose for just 2000 paper invoices!
In order to facilitate payment of bills for our customers and at the same time to reduce operating and billing costs and contribute to the preservation of the environment for all users of HT service, it is possible delivery of E - invoice via email. In this way, customers save time and preserve natural resources.
What is the e-Invoice?
e-Invoices are digitally signed and certified (pursuant to the Electronic Document Act). For issuance of a E-invoice, a certificate was obtained at FINA, the only institution in the Republic of Croatia authorized to issue digital certificates. In terms of content and visuals, the layout of the e-Invoice does not differ from the bills printed and sent by mail, and they are sent as e-mail attachment.
Benefits of the e-Invoice:
- Can be saved to the computer in digital form
- Safe, digitally signed PDF document sent by e-mail
- Suitable for payments in Internet Banking
- Ideal for customers who pay their bills by standing order
- No fear of loss of bills, as they do not come as hardcopies any more
- Less paper will benefit ecology
- Looks identical to the hardcopy, however, does not contain the payment document (HUB 1-1 Form)
- By activation of the e-Invoice, the customer may view the bill and itemized list of calls by registering to "Moj T"under the heading "Moji računi"
See how to activate the e-Invoice.