- 720 thousand kunas available for non-profit projects
- The competition is open until September 30
- Public voting via web from October 18 until November 16

Hrvatski Telekom's tenth donation contest Zajedno smo jači (Together We Are Stronger) this year starts on September 1, and projects can be applied until September 30, 2015. Non-profit organizations that submit projects of special importance for the community have at their disposal significantly more funds – as much as 720,000 kunas. In the past nine years, through this contest HT supported 220 valuable projects with around 7.5 million kunas.
The fund for donations in 2015 is divided so that each category will be awarded a total of 240,000 kunas for four projects. The project with the most votes from the public gets 90,000 kunas, second 70,000 kunas, third 50,000, and fourth 30,000 kunas.
Categories of this year's contest are the same as last year:
- Technology and communication – for projects using robotic or sensor systems and innovations in media and communications
- Education and digitalization – for projects using mLearning and eLearning, connected to life-long learning, talents, children and youngsters and equal opportunities for inclusion in digital society
- Environment and sustainable development– for projects that raise environmental standards and awareness of citizens by applying innovative information-communication solutions
The contest is open to non-profit organizations based in Croatia, and submitted projects must apply at least one telecommunications technology, must be unprofitable, innovative and sustainable, where projects involving more participants and partnerships will be given priority. Projects are submitted electronically to the website www.zajednosmojaci.hr.
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the Expert committee will from October 1 to 10 shortlist the total of 48 projects, 16 per each category. Eligible projects will be then published on the intranet of Hrvatski Telekom, where employees of HT Group will vote for them internally. Eight projects per each category will be selected in this way, and will be published on www.zajednosmojaci.hr on October 18, where they will be open for public voting until November 16, 2015.
The four winning projects in each category will be announced on November 17, 2015 via press release, social networks and on the project website www.zajednosmojaci.hr. Recipients of grants will be notified in writing (electronically) about the selection and the amount of donation.