- The application process for the next Hack it event has commenced! Hackhaton by Hrvatski Telekom, organised in partnership with hub:raum, Microsoft, Combis, Samsung, and Tportal
- In search for a solution in the area of immersive communication, with the main prize of HRK 30,000 and the opportunity to join hub:raum start-up accelerator
- Hack it! event will be held on 28 and 29 October in Zagreb, for which applications can be submitted by 8 October
Smatraš da si ispred svog vremena, živiš u budućnosti, a sadašnjost ti je retro? Kava s prijateljima zastarjeli ti je način komunikacije i zanimaju te novi immersive communication alati? Virtualna i proširena stvarnost, hologrami i umjetna inteligencija - ako takva i slična komunikacijska tehnološka rješenja imaš u malom prstu, dokaži i prijavi se na Hack it! hackathon Hrvatskog Telekoma, koji će se održati 28. i 29. listopada u Zagrebu.
Hrvatski Telekom i hub:raum Deutsche Telekoma, u suradnji s ostalim partnerima otvaraju prijave na svoj drugi po redu Hack it! hackathon, 24-satni intenzivni rad za inovativne programere, dizajnere i ostale motivirane pojedince ili grupe koje žele realizirati nova kreativna rješenja za suvremenu komunikaciju u digitalnom svijetu. HT-ov hackathon se kompleksnošću postavljene teme i snažnom konkurencijom već prve godine pokazao kao jedan od najzahtjevnijih hackathona u regiji, uz podršku hub:rauma koji je u stalnoj potrazi za inovativnim tehnološkim rješenjima. Poseban partner Hack it!-a je Microsoft, čiji će stručnjaci biti mentori sudionicima, a na događaju će predstaviti i svoja različita tehnološka rješenja.
Ovogodišnji Hack it! hackathon, zakazan za 28. i 29. listopad, osim prijavljenih timova, ugostit će preko 130 stručnjaka, mentora te ostalih gostiju iz startup zajednice. Od prijavljenih se očekuje 24 sata hakiranja, kreativnosti i inovacija uz pomoć vrhunskih stručnjaka, a rad koji ponudi najbolje rješenje osvaja nagradu u iznosu od 30.000 kuna, mogućnost realizacije svoje ideje u sklopu hub:raum start-up akceleratora Deutsche Telekoma te druge bogate nagrade partnera.
Ako već imaš svoj tim, još bolje - iskoristite priliku i u ugodnoj atmosferi predstavite svoje originalne ideje investitorima i medijima! Osmislite zajedno s Hrvatskim Telekomom komunikaciju budućnosti, prijavite se na Hack it! hackathon od 5. rujna do 8. listopada.
Partneri projekta su hub:raum Deutsche Telekoma, Microsoft, Combis, Samsung i Tportal.hr.
Vidimo se 28. i 29. listopada u Parku Stara Trešnjevka 2 u Zagrebu na drugom Hack it! hackathonu Hrvatskog Telekoma!
Više na www.hackit.hr
Do you believe to be ahead of your time, as well as to be living in the future and you also believe the present is retro? Do you believe that having coffee with friends is an outdated form of communication and you are interested in new immersive communication tools? In case you are well-versed both in virtual and augmented reality, holograms and artificial intelligence and in similar communication technology solutions, prove it and apply for Hack it! hackathon by Hrvatski Telekom, which will be held on 28 and 29 October in Zagreb.
Hrvatski Telekom and hub:raum by Deutsche Telekom, in co-operation with other partners, are inviting the applications for the second issue of Hack it! hackathon event, comprising of 24-hour intensive work intended for innovative software developers, designers, and other motivated individuals or groups who are striving to implement new creative solutions for modern communication in the digital world. Through complexity of the defined topic and severe competition, hackathon by HT has proved as one of the most challenging hackathons in the region already during its first year, with the support provided by hub:raum, which is continuously in search of innovative technology solutions. Microsoft will be a special partner of Hack it! Event, and its experts will act as mentors of the participants, in addition to giving presentations of a broad range of their technology solutions during the event.
This year's Hack it! hackathon event, scheduled for 28 and 29 October, in addition to the teams that submit their applications, will host over 130 experts, mentors, and other guests from start-up community. The participants are expected to be hacking for 24 hours, as well as to provide 24 hours of creativity and innovation with the help of top quality experts, whilst the project that presents the best solution will be awarded a prize of HRK 30,000, as well as the opportunity to implement the idea within hub:raum start-up accelerator by Deutsche Telekom, in addition to other valuable awards granted by the partners.
In case you already have a team, even better, do exploit the opportunity and present your original ideas to investors and the media in a pleasant environment! Provide a communication solution of the future in co-operation with Hrvatski Telekom, apply for Hack it! hackathon event from 5 September to 8 October.
Project partners are hub:raum by Deutsche Telekom, Microsoft, Combis, Samsung, and Tportal.hr.
See you on 28 and 29 October in the Zagreb-based Stara Trešnjevka Park 2 at the second issue of Hack it! hackathon event by Hrvatski Telekom!
Find out more at www.hackit.hr