Leading service provider in Croatia introduced Hyperion, solution for efficient planning that can enable companies to achieve higher competitiveness and business stability.
COMBIS, a regional system integrator and leading IT service provider in Croatia, presented to Oracle Cloud Day participants in Zagreb, Hyperion solution for electric power industry that provides companies with an efficient system for multiannual business planning, uplifting competitiveness and greater business stability.
“Hyperion solution, that Combis implements, includes business processes for making a five year plan for sales, logistics and production. In addition, users are enabled to make a loan repayment plan and investment plan for specific processes of the electric power industry” explains Tatjana Peček, Business Consultant in Combis.
Plans created with the help of this solution also enable creating basic planed financial statements – Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Reports, Cash Flows and other indicators. Moreover, the system is integrated and therefore can provide users the ability to connect and display data from different sources.
“With already mentioned benefits, it is important to point out that this system enables creation of different plan versions for different scenarios. Furthermore, the possibility of creating What-if analysis is the solution’s biggest strength”, said Peček and added that the potential of electric power industry is truly great, while Hyperion is an excellent tool to achieve that goal and uplift competitiveness of companies in this industry.