Starting today, Hrvatski Telekom will be offering the most favorable electricity to households. Upon signing of a two-year contract for supply of electricity, HT will grant every customer a HRK 15 discount on the billed amount for electricity consumption. In addition to the present benefit of not being charged the fixed supply charge (HRK 9.25 per month), households which pick HT as supplier now have the possibility to save HRK 580 and more. The actual saving depends on consumption habits, as HT offers electricity at rates lower by 5% in comparison to the universal service provided by the dominant supplier.
Check out the info sheet with savings indicated at an average monthly consumption of 250 kWh at: http://bit.ly/1tmkaFz
The switch to Hrvatski Telekom as electricity supplier is absolutely free of charge and very simple. Without interruption in the supply of electricity and without additional work in the customer's home. The complete procedure will be taken care of by HT.
Electricity supply by Hrvatski Telekom is available nationwide in Croatia. Customers can conclude a contract at the nearest T-Center or using the simple form at www.hrvatskitelekom.hr/elektricna-energija